Electrochemical testing of inhibitors has the major benefit of short measurement time and giving vital information about the mechanism of inhibition. Corrosion rates can be determined in minutes while weight loss methods can take days. Inhibitors protect by changing the anodic or cathodic reactions, forming a barrier between metal and electrolyte or a combination of both. Confidence in these measurements is gained by replication.
Our laboratory instrumentation is perfect for inhibitor testing. Multiple channels ensure replication whilst our precision electronics gives accurate results every time. Using Linear Polarisation Resistance, AC Impedance/EIS or Current & Voltage Noise is easy with the supplied Sequencer software. Protection efficiency of corrosion inhibitors is evaluated by measuring corrosion rates of a test system with and without added inhibitor.
Recognising the need to make complicated tests simpler, ACM Instruments have developed our Bubble Test Software. This has become a great favourite with developers and users of oilfield inhibitors. Allowing an initial set-up of the required test to be saved under a password the software is so easy to use the most junior technician can perform tests and produce perfect reports from the first day. The software is geared to producing these reports at the end of the run, easily with no fuss.
The Bubble Test Software can be used with our Gill 12, Gill 8, DC12, or a multichannel Field Machine. It may be ordered after the instrument is purchased if the need arises. This software is not restricted to bubble testing, it is perfectly suitable for testing in stationary cells, flow loops, autoclaves and any other metal/electrolyte situation. As supplied, our standard Gill 12 will perform all the tests needed to measure percentage inhibition using the Sequencer, however the Bubble Test amalgamates the test sequence, the point of inhibitor addition, the analysis and the graph plotting into one simple test, with no further analysis needed.
ACM have set the standards for Inhibitor testing, our reliable, good looking, accurate equipment is to be found in Inhibitor laboratories the world over, from a University with a single Gill AC to a giant specialist chemical company with banks of Gill 12s or Gill ACs working in parallel. Plus, last but not least, the Bubble Test will operate multiple instruments in parallel for simultaneous testing of as many samples as you require.
Bubble Test is also known as Kettle Test and Inhibitor Screening.
See Application Notes for more information on AC Impedance (EIS), inhibitors, Current and Voltage Noise and LPR techniques.
See Downloads for instrumentation datasheets.