There are two types of Parallel System.
- A Parallel System based around the Gill AC, Gill 12 or Weld Tester
- A Parallel System that is a standalone instrument designed for a specific task
1. Parallel System based on a Gill AC, Gill 12 or Weld Tester
Did you know you can couple several Gill AC, Gill 12 and Weld Testers together or any combination of Gill AC, Gill 12 or Weld Tester, to give you a parallel logging multiple Potentiostat / Galvanostat / ZRA / FRA system, capable of recording from each working electrode at up to 60 readings per second. Coupling several Gill ACs or Gill 12s together gives the added abilities of the Weld tester and the ability to perform fast sweeps. Using our latest software, it has never been easier to couple instruments together to provide a Parallel System. In fact up to 32 instruments can be controlled at the same time. These instruments can either have individually enclosures or be rack mounted.
For example :-
- Two Gill 12 instruments, when coupled would make a Gill 24 with 2 channels working simultaneously (one from channels 1-12 and one from channels 13-24)
- A Gill AC and a Gill 8 coupled would effectively make a Gill 9 with 2 channels working simultaneously (one from channels 1 and one from channels 2-9).
- When Eight Gill AC's are coupled they would form an eight channel instrument with 8 simultaneous channels.
Examples of Gill AC, Gill 12 or Weld Tester based Parallel Systems
- Multiple Gill AC's
- Multiple Gill 6's, Gill 8's or Gill 12's
- Multiple Weld Testers
- Any combination of above
- Speedy 9
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Bi-StatA Bi-Stat is a Parallel System which comprises two individual and isolated Gill AC Instruments housed in the same enclosure that can be run independently, even in the same cell. Each instrument offers a Potentiostat, Galvanostat and Zero Resistance Ammeter with integrated Frequency Response Analyser and Sweep Generator in one. This allows for a wide range of Electrochemical tests to be peformed such as AC Impedance (EIS) and standard DC tests including LPR and current and voltage noise. The Bi-Stat is available in a standard Gill AC enclosure or can be housed in a rack mountable unit which is shown below. |
Rack Mountable UnitWhen two or more simultaneous channels are required we can supply rack mountable units which can be coupled to make extremely flexible instruments. A single Gill AC can fit in a 2U rack mounted unit. A Gill 6 / 8 / 12 or a Weld Tester would need a 4U rack or more depending on the features and configuration. Therefore a rack mounted Bi-Stat would use two 2U units. For more information on Bi-Stat and rack mounted units click here. |
Recommended reading
Interested? Why not contact Andrew for more information.
2. A Parallel System that is a standalone instrument designed for a specific task
ACM Instruments have produced many bespoke Parallel Systems since 1985. Some of these instruments have become standard products due to their popularity in the corrosion industry.
The Gill AC, Gill 12 or Weld Tester based Parallel Systems are all-singing all-dancing whereas standalone instruments are designed to perform specific tasks. In some ways this is preferable because you are not paying for features you will never use and the specific task this instrument is designed for can be executed to its fullest without any compromises. Another advantage for a standalone Parallel System is that a computer is used to set up the instrument and to record data. If the computer fails, the instrument continues to work whereas Gill AC, Gill 12 or Weld Tester based Parallel Systems need a computer to function at all times.
Examples of standalone Parallel Systems
We also specialise in manual parallel systems such as Autoranging Industrial ZRA, Cautious 12, Dyno Analyser and Gill IK64 and have manufactured many more since ACM Instruments was formed in 1985.
So if you are in need of instrumentation, whether its computer controlled or manually operated then a Bespoke Instrument could be manufactured to meet your exact requirements. Please contact Andrew for more information.