We have designed our new Bi-Stat to be far more versatile than the normal bi-potentiostats you are likely to encounter. Two individual and isolated Gill AC Instruments housed in the same enclosure that can be run independently, even in the same cell. Each instrument offers a Potentiostat, Galvanostat and Zero Resistance Ammeter with integrated Frequency Response Analyser and Sweep Generator in one. This allows for a wide range of Electrochemical tests to be performed such as AC Impedance (EIS) and standard DC tests including LPR and current and voltage noise. Operated together using our included High Speed Sweeps software (see the Gill AC range page for details) Operating together in a single cell with one Auxiliary, one Reference and two working electrodes in the following modes:
The Bi-Stat is available in a standard Gill AC sized unit or as a rack mountable unit which is shown below :- |
When two or more simultaneous channels are required we can supply rack mountable units which combine to make extremely flexible instruments.
A Gill AC can fit into a 2U rack mounted unit. A Gill 6 / 8 / 12 or a Weld Tester would need a 4U rack or more depending on the features and configuration. Therefore a rack mounted Bi-Stat would use two 2U units. Please contact Andrew for more information. |