Field Machine
The Portable Field Machine is our most versatile full specification corrosion testing instrument. Its rugged construction and protective water resistance IP68 enclosure enables it to be operated at extreme locations throughout the world. This instrument takes laboratory precision outdoors to oil rigs, pipelines, concrete walls and just about anything that needs corrosion monitoring in situ. The potentiostat, ZRA, integral Frequency Response Analyser and Sweep Generator are exactly as provided in the laboratory Gill 8 model ensuring the most accurate testing available. The choice of tests is not limited; the AC, IR Compensation and DC tests plus the Sequencer and Analysis that are supplied with this field instrument are the same as supplied with the laboratory instruments.
Our Field Machine is quite like none other on the market, allowing a light weight truly mobile unit which can withstand extreme conditions. The standard version is single channel, but the instrument is available with multiple channels up to a maximum of twelve.
For more information click here.

Options available for Field Machine
- Smaller & Lighter (shown on the left)
- Multiple Sequential Channels (maximum of 12)
- Multiple Parallel Channels
- ER (Electrical Resistance)
- Bubble Test and Bubble Test using Localised Corrosion Monitoring (LCM™)
- Guard Ring Probe
- LPRN - Linear Polarisation Resistance Noise
- Internet Control (Field Unit)
- Weld Test option
Click here to view Field Machine details or contact Andrew or or further details.

Field Logger
A stand-alone, battery or solar powered data logger for long term monitoring of LPR and/or potential vs. time data, ideal for use with our LCM™ technique for pitting corrosion.
For more information click here or contact Andrew for any enquiries.
Isolated 6
Six channel instrument for monitoring 6 isolated channels for galvanic current and voltage.
A portable version of the Isolated 20 & 30 with the same specification.
See Isolated 20 & 30 for more details
Bespoke Field Instrumentation
Virtually all of the instruments in our product range can be made portable and/or weather resistant.
Please contact Andrew for further details or click here for more information on bespoke instrumentation.
Manual Portable Instruments

LPR Meter
This instrument is at home on the laboratory bench or out in the field. Provided with an internal lead-acid battery and mains charger the LPR Meter is a truly portable Linear Polarisation Resistance corrosion monitoring system. We also provide an LPR Meter for in situ monitoring.
For more information click here.

Pocket Machine
This battery powered instrument features measurement of Linear Polarisation Resistance and ZRA currents for the determination of corrosion rates and galvanic currents.
For more information click here.
For use in the laboratory see Traditional Instruments for details on our manual Potentiostat, Zero Resistance Ammeter and Sweep Generator.