One of the common problems is lack of communication between PC and instrument.
Lets firstly check and double check the obvious:
Now, sometimes the instrument or PC may lose the serial port, so turn off both, wait a couple of minutes and try again.
Still not working?
Is the Instrument a field machine or other battery powered instrument? See the battery care section.
If you get stuck, don't panic, just contact ACM Instruments, we are here to help. See the Contact section or website for details.
When using USB or PCI serial ports, it may be possible that the port number is set greater than 8. All modern ACM Instruments are plug and play, this is achieved by the software searching available serial ports to find the instrument. By default, only the first 8 ports are searched. This can be increased by a program called the 'Serial port configuration'. This can be found under Start menu > All programs > ACM Instruments version 5 > Configuration.
Here you can see the number of ports to search is set to the default of 8. To change this simply enter the new number of serial ports to search. Using too large a number here will slow down the logging software.
The plug and play searching may affect other serial devices connected to the PC. If this is suspected, then use the 'Do not search' list to exclude the relevant serial ports.